corporate coaching by Mindful


Coaching/Mentoring is a process that facilitates learning and growth and all based on relationships.  

They not only illuminate the present but also provide clear vision in designing the future.  The positive effects continue long after the formal relationship has ended.

Through a professional coach/mentor providing the skills, processes, experience and environment, a person's self-awareness is built, choices are made and responsibility accepted.  The coach/mentor acts as an external stimulator to uncover the potential that every person holds within them and enable them to develop new insights and perspectives.  Through this process, they gain the confidence they need to work in different ways, or simply to approach life differently.


What's our niche?

We keep it simple.  It's either Life or Corporate/Executive coaching/Mentoring

Other headings such as career, relationship, retirement or graduate over complicate things.   It's seldom easy to draw a line between them, more often than not they overlap and blend into each other.  If it’s for business development, it’s Corporate Coaching or Mentoring, if it’s for personal development, it’s Life Coaching or Mentoring, Simple – it all comes down to purpose.
For Corporate Coaching/Mentoring our skills, knowledge and experience means you have a total learning resource in one.  Corporately - we provide development solutions for employees and organisations.
For Life/Personal Coaching/Mentoring – we provide friendly, realistic and future focused relationship that generates freedom and space in your mind.  The path to becoming the person you wish to be, opens before you.